Journal of Circular Economy

An applied scholarly journal on circular economy

Volume 2, Issue 1

February 2025

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What Can We Learn From the Bankruptcy of Renewcell? Some Limitations of Business-Case-Based Circular Transition

Hervé Corvellec, Alison F. Stowell


Circular start-ups are vectors of hope for a circular transition. But what does a circular champion’s bankruptcy tell us? That a structural barrier to the circular transition is the total dependence on the ability of circular businesses to be profitable.


Circular Transition, Bankruptcy, Barrier, Renewcell

How to cite this article?

Corvellec, H., & Stowell, A. F. (2024). What can we learn from the bankruptcy of Renewcell? Some limitations of business-case-based circular transition. Journal of Circular Economy, 2(1).


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