March 2025
Ship recycling refers to the process of dismantling ships to extract and recover materials and it is typically seen as the best method to dispose of a ship when its service life is coming to an end. Exploring the European Union's aspiration to enhance competitiveness and boost ship recycling near its shipyards, this study delves into the European ship recycling market's environmental, economic, and regulatory facets. It focuses on factors influencing recycling activities in the EU, set against global market trends and stringent regulations. Employing a multiple linear regression model, the study analyzes variables like shipyard capacity, Light Displacement Tonnage (LDT) price, ship age, shipbuilding rates, maritime trade volumes, and material circularity, drawing data from 2016 to 2022 from various open-source databases. The research uncovers correlations between shipyard capacity and demolition rates, and the impact of LDT prices on demolitions. The study also notes the interplay between shipbuilding activities and demolition rates. This paper contributes crucial insights to the European ship recycling market, aiding sustainable development in a changing operational environment.
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