Journal of Circular Economy

An applied scholarly journal on circular economy

Volume 2, Issue 1

February 2025

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Learning and Knowledge Management in the Transition to Circular Economy (CE): Roots and Research Avenues

Chedrak Chembessi


Research has demonstrated the importance of learning and knowledge management in transition experiments. In this perspective, this paper explores how researchers can underline the role of learning and knowledge management in the transition to circular economy (CE). Drawing on research on the concepts of CE and intellectual capital, as well as field observations in CE experiments in the regional county municipality (RCM) of Kamouraska (Quebec), we identify at least three fundamental research perspectives on learning and knowledge management in the transition to CE. The first concerns the types of learning and knowledge that emerge in CE implementation. The second focuses on the learning and knowledge management process. It concerns the trial-and-error dynamics that facilitate mutual learning and effective knowledge management. The third research perspective consists of assessing how learning and knowledge management at the local level fosters a macro-societal transition to CE.


Circular Economy, Learning, Knowledge Management, Intellectual Capital, Transition

How to cite this article?

Chembessi , C. (2023). Learning and Knowledge Management in the Transition to Circular Economy (CE): Roots and Research Avenues. Journal of Circular Economy, 1(3).


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