February 2025
The role of knowledge management (KM) in international circular business models remains underexplored. Firm capabilities in creating and sharing knowledge are crucial for stimulating circularity. Our research explores KM in supporting the international expansion of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) through International Joint Ventures (IJVs), with a focus on circular business models. We introduce a Circular Knowledge Management Model (CKMM) designed for SMEs to manage cultural and institutional challenges in global markets. The model aims to systematically manage knowledge for competitive advantage in environmentally conscious sectors. Employing a mixed-method collaborative research design, we utilize a longitudinal case study to develop the CKMM. Results show that the CKMM enhances knowledge transfer and integration within IJVs, enables innovation and sustainable adaptation in foreign markets. It promotes a learning culture and stimulates diverse competencies for sustainability and innovation, offering a strategic approach to knowledge management in IJVs that emphasizes global competitiveness and environmental sustainability. This study bridges gaps between internationalization, KM, and the circular economy, providing insights for both theoretical and practical applications.
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