Journal of Circular Economy

An applied scholarly journal on circular economy

Volume 2, Issue 1

February 2025

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The Politics of Circular Economy Networks – How Inter-Organisational Networks Manage Succession

Tawanda Collins Muzamwese


Attaining a Circular Economy is an aspired dream of the collective human race. Through collaboration and networks, it is possible to fast-track the implementation of Circular Economy. However, the function of networks is affected by political processes within the network. This paper assesses network politics and its effects on Circular Economy activities. The study was based on 9 Case Studies located in Zimbabwe, South Africa and Kenya. Through interviews, questionnaire, observation and document reviews; two succession patterns emerge -  namely electoral and appointment of incumbents. The research concludes that there is jostling for positions and tendencies of voting on regional lines. Consideration of merit in appointing network leadership lags behind charisma, oratory skills and popularity of candidates. Furthermore, politics of networks present opportunities to select leaders with influence, power and Circular Economy capabilities. The unclear role of founder members may cause upheavals and recycling of leadership, whilst paradoxically presenting benefits of institutional memory.


Circular Economy · Sustainable Business Networks · Politics, Succession · Collaboration

How to cite this article?

Muzamwese, T.(2025). The Politics of Circular Economy Networks – How Inter-Organisational Networks Manage Succession. Journal of Circular Economy, 3(1) .


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