Journal of Circular Economy

An applied scholarly journal on circular economy

Volume 2, Issue 1

October 2024

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Between a Rock and a Hard Place. A Case Study on Simplifying the Reverse Logistics of Car Parts to Enable Remanufacturing

Sonja van Dam and Conny Bakker


Facilitating reverse logistics is a critical step in achieving a circular economy through remanufacturing and ensuring the recovery of critical raw materials. Despite the importance of these practices, they are currently not commonplace in many product sectors. As an exception, the reverse logistics and remanufacturing of car parts are longstanding but complex practices from which much can be learned to further the circular economy. This paper details learnings from a case study on remanufacturing car parts conducted together with a German (re)manufacturer and a reverse logistics service provider. Co-creation and interviews were utilized to design a digital platform that drastically simplified reverse logistics. The paper highlights the importance of stakeholder engagement and a focus on trust, transparency, and traceability alongside technology and legislation in optimizing reverse logistics. The insights gained from this case study extend to broader implications for the circular economy, emphasizing the role of design in addressing ‘soft’ factors for successful remanufacturing and the development of effective reverse logistics systems.


Co-Creation · Reverse Logistics · Automotive Industry · Remanufacturing · Soft Factors


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