February 2025
This study explores the integration of Circular Economy (CE) principles within the framework of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), a foundational methodology in industrial ecology aimed at enhancing product sustainability. With CE offering a roadmap towards ecological sustainability within economic systems, the research examines the extent to which conventional LCA studies align with CE principles across diverse industries classified by the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC). Analyzing 282 LCA studies, the investigation identifies a limited incorporation of CE concepts. Most studies inadequately address CE in their goal and scope, lack CE-specific data in inventories, predominantly focus on basic recycling strategies, overlook CE-specific indicators, neglect CE considerations in sensitivity analyses, and omit CE-related recommendations in conclusions. These findings underscore the necessity for a more robust integration of CE principles within LCA methodologies, emphasizing CE measures as pivotal drivers for enhancing product environmental performance across industries.
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