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Journal of Circular Economy

An applied scholarly journal on circular economy

Volume 2, Issue 1

February 2025

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Do We Save the Environment by Buying Second-Hand Clothes? The Environmental Impacts of Second-Hand Textile Fashion and the Influence of Consumer Choices

Astrid Klooster, Blanca C. Bellostas, Marvin Henry, Li Shen


Re-use is a high R-ladder strategy in a circular economy. The environmental impacts of re-use are often underreported. This research aims to gain insights into second-hand clothing's lifecycle impact. Life cycle assessments were conducted for four frequently traded second-hand clothing items, namely t-shirts, dress, trousers and sweaters. Three types of consumers were distinguished (primary user, primary conscious user and second-hand user) and three behaviour scenarios were modelled (fashionable, average and attached consumers). We found that within the same behaviour scenario, embracing second-hand consumption instead of buying new clothes leads to up to 42% lower impacts for climate change and cumulative energy demand, 42-53% for freshwater eutrophication, and 35-53% for water scarcity footprint per use. Reuse mitigates impacts, and is particularly beneficial for high-production impact clothing items. Consuming a rarely used second-hand item can even lead to higher impacts than using a new clothing item which has longevity.


Lifecycle Assessment, Clothing, Fashion, Reuse, Re-Commerce, Circular Economy, Consumer Behaviour

How to cite this article?

Bellostas, B. C., Henry, M., Klooster, A., Shen, L. (2024). Do We Save the Environment by Buying Second-Hand Clothes? The Environmental Impacts of Second-Hand Textile Fashion and the Influence of Consumer Choices. Journal of Circular Economy.


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