Journal of Circular Economy

An applied scholarly journal on circular economy

Volume 2, Issue 1

February 2025

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Circular Entrepreneurship via Makerspaces Towards Fostering Sustainable Cities: A Mixed-Method Approach with Case Studies

N. Premyanov , E. Roma-Athanasiadou, Julie Metta , N. Tsoniotis , M. Angelidou, and A.C. Tsolakis


This paper discusses the role of makerspaces in supporting circular entrepreneurship and their potential contribution to urban regeneration. Urban regeneration addresses urban challenges through sustainable and inclusive transformations. Circular makerspaces can support this direction by providing resources for makers and promoting a circular economy, while potentially acting as hubs for circular social innovation. However, to unlock makers' full sustainability potential, makerspaces require business support services that foster entrepreneurial mindsets towards a circular economy. This study uses a mixed-method approach, including action research, surveys, observations and case studies, to analyse the design and implementation of a circular accelerator programme in makerspaces across seven cities in Europe and Türkiye, supported with data gathered from 105 makers and 40 projects in circular entrepreneurship. The research suggests potential benefits such as the improvement of entrepreneurial skills, environmental impact awareness, and the enhanced network and collaborations, fostering further opportunities for the development of circular economy. The paper suggests that acceleration programmes via makerspaces focused on circular economy can have multiple benefits for both the makers and their urban context. These findings could support administrators, municipalities, urban planners and policy makers to examine additional ways to support urban regeneration and sustainability.


Circular Economy · Maker Movement · Social Innovation · Citizen Participation · Innovation Ecosystem · Urban Regeneration

How to cite this article?

Premyanov, N., Roma-Athanasiadou, E., Metta, J., Tsoniotis, N., Angelidou, M., & Tsolakis, A. (2024). Circular Entrepreneurship via Makerspaces Towards Fostering Sustainable Cities: A Mixed-Method Approach with Case Studies. Journal of Circular Economy2(3).


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