Journal of Circular Economy

An applied scholarly journal on circular economy

Volume 2, Issue 1

February 2025

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Behind Closed Doors: Examining the Stock of Clothing in Individuals’ Wardrobes

Veerle Vermeyen , Luc Alaerts, Ernst Worrell, Karel Van Acker, Filip Germeys


Increasing the use intensity of individual garments is crucial in reducing the total environmental impact of clothing consumption. Implementing circular economy strategies, such as reuse, can intensify the use of garments. However, a deeper understanding of the current fulfilment of the need for clothing is essential for the effective implementation of circular economy strategies. To this end, we conducted an extensive wardrobe study on 156 adults living in Flanders (Belgium) in 2024. The study finds that participants had, on average, 198 garments in their wardrobe, of which only 2% was pre-owned and 22% was dormant (not used in the last 12 months). Further, 75% of dormant clothes are in good enough condition for reuse. This shows the considerable untapped potential to intensify the use of garments currently trapped in wardrobes. However, the results suggest that the potential to reactivate dormant garments is limited for two reasons: First, participants are unwilling to part with over half of their dormant garments, primarily because they believe they will prove useful in the future. Second, the observed scarcity of pre-owned garments in wardrobes suggests a low demand for reusable garments. The findings in this study provide essential groundwork for developing more effective policies to promote the full utilisation of garments in the transition to a CE for consumer clothing.


Wardrobe Study · Circular Economy · Urban Stocks · Reactivation · Reuse · Consumer Behaviour

How to cite this article?

Vermeyen, V., Alaerts, L., Worrell, E., Van Acker, K., & Germeys, F. (2025). Behind Closed Doors: Examining the Stock of Clothing in Individuals’ Wardrobes. Journal of Circular Economy, 3(1).


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